Wynnum QLD 4178
Why Wynnum?
Wynnum is located approximately 17kms from the Brisbane CBD and is an area which has seen significant gentrification over the past decade. Historically a large portion of the suburb was housing commission however the Government over time has sold off a lot of these houses to young families who have since renovated or built new homes. The suburb has excellent connectivity to the Brisbane CBD, Domestic & International Airports as well as the Gold & Sunshine Coasts by being connected to the Gateway Motorway. This area is dominated by houses which make up of 75% and the balance 24% being units and townhouses. The area still has some housing commission interspersed throughout as well as low-lying / flooded areas meaning that selective buying here is paramount. Our specialist expert buyer’s agents can steer you towards the better positions and property types within Wynnum.
The dominate age group in Wynnum is 40-59, followed second by 60+ and 20-39. Families make up 44% of the area with the remainder being 36% being couples, 18% single parents and 2% are other. Whilst there is an aging population there is a substantial amount of younger families who are moving here to take advantage of a more affordable price point as well as bayside living.
Health, Education and Schooling
The closest hospital is 20mins away at Belmont Private Hospital and then Royal Brisbane and Women’s 30mins. Schooling wise, Wynnum State School, Wynnum State High School, Moreton Bay Boys College & Iona College.

Do you need a Buyer’s Agent in Wynnum who can assist you to purchase a property?
Why do you need a buyer’s agent in Wynnum? We gain access to properties that are not on the real estate forums removing competition, we have a team of past valuers and agents, we are experienced negotiators who also manage your contract process to alleviate the stress and remove the emotion.